Our events will continue to follow government guidance on the phased return of sport. For more information on this guidance please visit:
Rounders England: https://www.roundersengland.co.uk/safeguarding/return-to-play-good-practice-safeguarding/
Football Association: https://www.thefa.com/news/2021/mar/24/fa-guidance-for-return-to-grassroots-football-20210324
Volleyball England: https://www.volleyballengland.org/coronavirus
Please complete the form below if you wish to attend one of our events for the NHS test and trace. This will allow the NHS Test And Trace team to contact you if a player you’ve been in contact with becomes unwell with suspected Covid-19. In such circumstances, we will share with NHS Test And Trace: your full name, phone number, which session you played at and on which date.